Beyond Zero Emissions
Finally someone is combining radical thinking on climate change with action on the plans to get us there.
With Kevin's pissy little proposal and the rest of the climate movement seemingly stuck on advocating for higher targets or personal action, I've been relieved and inspired to a group doing some serious thinking not just about how much we have to cut our emissions but also how we actually can cut out emissions. I ran into them at the sustainable living festival recently and have been wanting to tell you all about it ever since.
They're called Beyond Zero Emissions and they say that what sets them out from the climate pack is their target: 100% Renewable Energy by 2020. But before you can say left wing loony let me say that what I think sets them out from the climate pack is they actually have the bones of a plan to get us there. Their strength seems to be engaging people from the community who have the expertise needed to develop the technology, economic models and communication tools to get us there. They even had a former chair of the coal industry on board. They're not waiting or whinging for the government to take the lead, they are getting on with the planning themselves leaving government to be the followers they always have been but telling them "here's how to do it, now quit your posturing and get on with it".
anyway, enough ranting from me, (as you can see they've got me fired up!), check em out at
and spread the word - solar thermal can do baseload power.
interestingly Al Gore is also calling for 100% renewable energy for the US by 2020 and says it is possible. check out
we gotta do something - fast!
With Kevin's pissy little proposal and the rest of the climate movement seemingly stuck on advocating for higher targets or personal action, I've been relieved and inspired to a group doing some serious thinking not just about how much we have to cut our emissions but also how we actually can cut out emissions. I ran into them at the sustainable living festival recently and have been wanting to tell you all about it ever since.
They're called Beyond Zero Emissions and they say that what sets them out from the climate pack is their target: 100% Renewable Energy by 2020. But before you can say left wing loony let me say that what I think sets them out from the climate pack is they actually have the bones of a plan to get us there. Their strength seems to be engaging people from the community who have the expertise needed to develop the technology, economic models and communication tools to get us there. They even had a former chair of the coal industry on board. They're not waiting or whinging for the government to take the lead, they are getting on with the planning themselves leaving government to be the followers they always have been but telling them "here's how to do it, now quit your posturing and get on with it".
anyway, enough ranting from me, (as you can see they've got me fired up!), check em out at
and spread the word - solar thermal can do baseload power.
interestingly Al Gore is also calling for 100% renewable energy for the US by 2020 and says it is possible. check out
we gotta do something - fast!